Mental health during Covid-19

During this unusual time, it’s important to look after your physical and mental health. It’s important to remember that it is OK to feel worried, anxious, low or concerned about the current situation and that everyone reacts differently. This situation is temporary and, for most of us, these difficult feelings will pass. Staying at home may be difficult, but you are helping to protect yourself and others by doing it.

There’s no right or wrong approach to the lockdown, if you’re already in a routine that works for you – great! If you don’t feel up to doing anything, though, that’s fine too. It’s important to be kind to yourself and recognise when you need a break.

These are some top tips that work well for members of our team here at Wise Living:

Social Media & News
It’s great to stay informed, but sometimes spending too much time on social media and reading the news can send your mind into overdrive. We’ve found that setting ourselves a certain amount of time, at set times to scroll through your favourite social media channel and get up to date with what’s happening in the world, has kept our minds and ease.

Why? Simply because there are always social media rumours and dubious news sources reporting on what’s happening – which won’t help anyone! It also gives us something to work towards, almost like a treat.

As cliché as it sounds, we’re all in this together. Checking in with your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours is not only a great way to keep yourself occupied but to share tips that work best for each other, help each other out. Although we can’t see each other (unless you’re living with them of course!) there’s loads of great apps/websites out there to help make these conversations happen. Video chats are a great way to see a friendly face, or just stick with a simple text! Whichever works best for you.

Not everyone has a support network nearby or at all so the little things can make such a difference!

Practise self-care
It’s easier to slip into ‘bad habits’ when you’ve got spare time on your hands, and don’t know what day it is! We’ve found keeping a healthy diet, going to bed at a similar time each day, keeping hydrated and making the most of our 1 hour a day for exercise has really helped. It’s not only helped with keeping a routine, but also feel healthier and happier in general. If you have a garden where you live, make the most of it in this nice weather. If you’re living in an apartment, try and open your windows regularly to let some fresh air in.

There are plenty of things you can do and places to get more help and support if you are struggling with your mental health. Every Mind Matters have created some helpful guides on stressanxietysleep and low mood with lots of great tips and specific advice. There are also specific guidance parent and caregivers on talking to your child about coronavirus.

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